
01. SR-2000 schematic factory "A" level                Original production level schematic

02. SR-2000 schematic factory "B" level                Second production level schematic

03. SR-2000 schematic factory "C" level                Most current level schematic

04. We have a schematic that includes all of the after market engineering changes. 
We have not finished the supporting narrative. When complete will make available.

05. Damaged file will replace soon. be used for video tutorial

06. SR-2000 schematic with receive function color coded will be used for video tutorial

07. SR-2000 schematic with transmit function color coded will be used for tutorial

08. SR-2000 schematic with VOX function color coded will be used for video tutorial

09. SR-2000 schematic with neutralization and bias change color coded

10. SR-2000 schematic with

20. SX-117 "A" level
20a. "A" PARTS

21. SX-117 "B" level
21b. "B" PARTS

22. SX-117 "C" level
22c. "C" PARTS

23. SX-117 "D" level
23d. "D" PARTS

24. SX-117 "E" level
24e. "E" PARTS

25. HA-5 "A" level schematic
25a. A level parts

26. HA-5 "C" level schematic

27. HA-5 "B" level errata

28. HT-40 MARK1

29. SR-400 Cyclone II

30. SR-2000 Bias voltages