0024A Testing Capacitor Attributes
This service note will provide a method to test the change in capacity with varying voltage and compare the Ceramic and Polypropylene capacitors. Also, we will demonstrate the aging effect and restoration of a Ceramic capacitor.
As you view the following tests, carefully watch for the effect that varying the voltage has on the capacity.

Test 1:
.001uf 630v Polypropylene capacitor.
Note the capacity does not change as the voltage is increased.

Test 2:
.01uf Ceramic capacitor removed from a Hallicrafters SR-2000. Note it has lost 25% of it's capacity through the aging process. Also note the dramatic loss of capacity with applied voltage.

Test 3:
.01uf Ceramic capacitor --- same as TEST 2 but baked at 150C for 40 minutes. Note the capacity is restored to slightly above the original value, reversing the aging process.