Sweep of the 1Kc POSITION before changing the CERAMIC Z5U capacitors to Polypropylene. Measured after warm up in a 72 degree room. The photo to the left represents the correct 1Kc band pass using Polypropylene caps. The total capacity of the two .01uf, and .0047uf capacitors was .0162uf. Should have been .0247uf. Notice the band width is almost as wide as the 2Kc position before changing the ceramic caps to Polypropylene. The photo is a result of the reduced capacity of the old capacitors causing the k to increase expanding the band width to 1.9Kc and the dip in the center is because the 1Kc position does not use Q reduction resistors. The circuit is significantly over coupled. Except for the 1Kc position the Q must be reduced as the coupling is increased to accommodate the fixed load. Conclusion: The ceramic capacitors have shifted and expanded the 1Kc band pass to nearly 2Kc and had similar effects on the other band widths. Changing the ceramic Z5U capacitors to Polypropylene results in the correct sweep patterns. |